
360° Microsoft Teams Call Quality Analytics

Monitoring insights for Microsoft Teams Audio, Video, and Call data

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Monitor Your Microsoft Teams User Call Quality

Microsoft Teams Call Quality Monitoring

The Call Quality Dashboard (CQD) for Microsoft Teams allows administrators to better understand Teams call quality. It collects user-based call quality data for high-level monitoring dashboards and reporting. Yet, it does not provide alerting, details on low-level network events, or advanced management such as user grouping.

To ensure sustainable Microsoft Teams service quality, IT needs to have deep insight, advanced management options, alerting on critical characteristics, as well as probing and reporting.

The NiCE Active 365 Management Pack for Microsoft Teams provides full real-world, real-user Teams Call performance monitoring, alerting, correlation, and reporting for your enterprise deployment.

What is Microsoft 365 Teams?

Microsoft Teams, belonging to the Microsoft 365 family, is a business communication platform. It is used by more than 500,000 organizations, having 250 million active users monthly as of July 2021.

Key Microsoft Teams Call Quality Features

Why is Teams Call Quality so important to users?

The actual audio quality of any conversation highly affects the participating parties. We may look away, but we cannot “hear” away.

Voice distortion and disruption may cause cognitive impairment. A robotic-sounding voice, walkie-talkie effects, missed syllables and words, as well as a choppy video and sharing, are likely to cause higher stress levels. In turn, the conversation outcome, based on audio-induced loss of attention, reasoning, and judgment, might be compromised.

The NiCE Active 365 Management Pack actively analyses the Microsoft Teams Call quality. It checks on the core detail Call packages such as Jitter, Packet Round-Trip time, and Packet Loss Rates. This helps you to easily troubleshoot Teams Call Quality issues.


Jitter causes a voice to sound robotic due to packets arriving at different speeds.

Packet Round-Trip

The packet round-trip time causes a walkie-talkie effect when taking too long.

Packet Loss Rate

The packet loss rate results in missed syllables, words, and choppy video sharing.

A sound Microsoft Teams user experience is not an option, it´s a must.

Microsoft Gold Partner Logo

NiCE IT Management Solutions is a long-term Microsoft Business Partner with Gold status for Application Development and Datacenter.

Start advanced Microsoft 365 Monitoring now

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Your NiCE IT Management Solutions Team

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